Ethereum Standardized Art Contract API
2015-12-01 (written September 2015)The Ethereum project allows you to create arbitrary smart contracts to run on its blockchain). To ensure that those arbitrary contracts can communicate where they need to, they have published a list of standard contract interfaces:
These standards allow different coins, registries, data feeds and other common contracts to communicate with and use each other in a well understood way.
Let's extend this to art contracts, starting with a smart artwork. Next we'll cover exhibitions and reviews.
These interfaces are applicable to contracts other than for art. Feedback and suggestions on how to generalize them gratefully received.
Purchaseable Artwork
A smart contract artwork either embodies an artwork in itself, represents or controls some aspect of an artwork, or contains or is a proxy for it in some way.
The contract's owner is expected to be the artist, and not to change. "Ownership" of the artwork is recorded within the contract.
offer(address _purchaser, uint _price, uint _until)
Only callable by the artwork owner. This is separate from the contract owner.
Offer the work for sale. The _purchaser
address can be zero, in which case anyone can buy the artwork. The _price
can be zero, in which case the _purchaser
need not send any funds. And _until
can be a UNIX timestamp in the past, in which case the artwork is not actually for sale. Zero works well for this.
purchase() returns (bool _success)
If the caller matches the _purchaser
(or it is set to zero), sends enough ether to match _price
(or price is zero), and the offer has not expired, the caller becomes the new owner of the artwork.
purchaseFee() return (uint8 _percentage)
The percentage of the purchase price that goes to the contract owner (the artist) rather than the purchaser. A functional equivalent to the 'Artist Resale Right'.
setPurchaseFee(uint8 _percentage)
Callable only by the contract owner.
This sets the percentage of the purchase price that will go to the contract owner rather than to the purchaser. It can be set to zero.
Offered(address seller, address purchaser, uint price, uint duration)
The artwork was offered for sale by the current owner of the artwork, recorded as seller
Sold(address seller, address buyer, uint price)
The artwork was sold by seller
to buyer
for the price
given in Ethers.
Exhibitable Artwork
An exhibitable smart contract artwork separates out the capability to exhibit the artwork from simple ownership and places it under the contract's control.
exhibit(address _at, uint _duration) returns (bool _success)
Mark the work as exhibited at (address) for _duration seconds from success of the transaction, if the caller sends sufficient Ether to cover the exhibition fee.
The address the work is exhibited _at
can be privileged by the specific implementation of the contract (for example, a web server can allow access only from an address that can sign requests with the _at
address key).
exhibitFee() returns (uint _fee)
The number of Ether per second payable as an exhibition fee. Zero means that exhibition is free.
setExhibitFee(uint _fee)
Callable only by the contract owner.
This sets the number of Ether per second payable as an exhibition fee. It can be set to zero.
Exhibited(address indexed at, uint duration)
The artwork was exhibited at
the given address for duration